Day 10 – 20.03.2018
Even though I didnt quite oversleep I somehow managed to be rushed to having a really quick breakfast to head out to where I was going to go on a trail ride. (Maybe it had something to do with me wanting to write another blog post :)). I had booked this trail ride in advance and was keen to get back riding.
It was about a 40 minute Uber drive out to the stables and I dont know what I had imagined as to which landscapes we were going to be riding through, but all of a sudden the landscape changed from city to stable town. I think anyone living in Joburg that owns a horse will have it stand in one of the stables here.
It was a quick procedure, I was the only one partaking in the trail ride with a local guide, I got asked whether or not I could ride, my horse was brought up, I think his name was Gavin or Garry, I sat up and off we went.
The horse was easy going, but I had definitely a. forgotten how strenuous riding is ( I think it was never as hard for me as it was then since you are in overall better shape when you are young) and b. I had worn my safari trousers which are made of a really thin material (Very stupid if you are trotting and your legs chafe against the stirrups continuously).
It was a fun ride with loads of cantering and trotting but I was ready to get off the horse and head back to a more serene and calm place straight away. I managed to hitch an uber and headed back.
I had booked myself in for a back, shoulders and head massage and cherished that to the full extent, my legs were already starting to hurt, even though i couldnt see any bruising from the stirrups.
I wrote a little more for my blog (even though I should have probably taken a nap instead :) ) and then got ready for my next food adventure. This time at „The View“ at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The Four Seasons Hotel is actually called the Westcliff, and when I arrived and was taken to the restaurant in a golf cart I understood why. The hotel is set amoung a „cliff“ where hotel rooms are sectioned off in little houses all up along a cliff. The restaurant the view is located at the very top of this cliff overlooking Johannesburg.
The restaurant seemed a lot more like fine dining and proper attire than the Marble and I dont know why, but after my experience at the Marble, I couldnt quite get comfortable at the View. Dont get me wrong, the food was amazing, but maybe it was a combination of a table of Americans behind me thinking they needed to shout all their conversations and just being plain right obnoxious or the fact that they couldn’t set the cutlery properly. In that instance it bugged me – yes I am weird.
Here is the amuse bouche, a tripple of crisps with tartar of two types of fish including tuna and a mushroom tartar. Forgive me but I cant remember exactly what this was...
I had a nice little virgin mojito to start with.
This was my view of „The View“...
I went with the Tasting Menu and this is what i got:
A Sashimi of smoked seabass, yuzu, dashi, wakami, rice, chili and coriander.
Chicken or the Egg – Braai’ed chicken breast, quail egg, tofu, kimchi, green beans, caviar.
Scallop – seared scallop, cauliflower, parmesan, raisins, apple, port
Palate cleanser – coriander sorbet, coconut soil, rum and lime jelly, sesame
Sunday Roast – dry aged angus beef fillet, sweetbread, potato, crackling, carrot, asparagus, jus.
Jelly and Custard – white chocolate, raspberry, pistachio
Peaches and Cream – peaches, cherry, vanilla, champagne, oats, yoghurt.
The dinner was great dont get me wrong but I was tired and having to share my golf kart down the hill with the obnoxious Americans (that stole this kart away from me by the way – I had ordered it first and then there was nearly no space for me...) was the icing on the cake. I headed back and went straight to sleep, eager for my spa session the next day.