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Day 50 29.08.15

Lucky for us we were only leaving at 10, leaving enough time to sleep in a little, pack and have breakfast.

We went back to the same place called Bread and Chocolate, where this time I had some pancakes and an orange juice.

This time we really squeezed ourselves into the van towards the border, as the little minivan had to fit us, our bags and our hand luggage and we were tight for space.

We arrived at the border between Costa Rica and Panama, and I was surprised at how unprofessional this border looked like. Compared to the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, this border had a little shop where you could pay you exit fee, a little house where you received your exit stamp, and that was it. We were even missing the hoards of hagglers trying to exchange currency with you. Passing through however was way more relaxed than it had been at the Costa Rican border going in to the country. We passed next to the old railway bridge into Panama ( I am not sure how long this alternative bridge already exists, I am glad it does as the railway bridge looked very very dodgy!)

We went through immigration, cueing up a bit but then got an entry stamp (others had to show their ticket out of the country) and then went on to find a Welcome to Panama sign.

We found it and the three amigos did an extensive photo session. (as you do… )

We squeezed into another bus, but this time the ride was only about 30 minute to reach a boat that would take us past Bocas del Toro to Isla Bastimientos where our hotel was located.

The harbour didn’t really look to appealing, covered in garbage, with people fishing in the waters nevertheless. As soon as we had left the harbour though, the water cleared up and grew into more of a lake, which of course it was not, seeing as we were in Caribbean waters. The short boat ride to the hotel was lovely, and when we got to the hotel, none of us had really expected what we saw.

A lovely little house with a porch on the water, and the hotel rooms heading out to the back, with a really idyllic with a great view over the sea.

As soon as we arrived, a little boat or better said a little canoe pulled up on the side of the porch selling lobsters to the hotel owner. We immediately stated our interest, and the bad boys were big. And as it turns out really cheap too!

I got an overdose of lemonade and was from then on called the lemonade girl, as after the third one, the lady making them just asked, “another one???”. Yes another. Keep them coming.

I chilled a little in a hammock, even taking a little nap, and then it was time for dinner. This literally was a lobster paradise.

A large lobster for only $25, with a lovely Caribbean sauce, a great Chilean wine – delicious! A great dinner! We laughed and talked looking out onto the porch and after a couple of drinks we happily carried our lobster bellies to bed.


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